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The MYC has been officially installed in Seville!

Updated: Jul 7, 2022

On the 9th and 10th of June, the members of the Mediterranean Youth Council gathered in Seville, at the Foundation of the Three Cultures for the official installation of the Council and for the presentation of our political declaration to the General Assembly of the CPMR Intermediterranean Commission.

The event was attended by policy-makers from several Euro-Mediterranean regions, including the SUD and Lazio Regions, the Council's sponsors, who heard the official political declaration of each of the Council's thematic groups.

The 9th of June was dedicated to the review and debate to agree on the political declaration. Young people from the Andalusia region belonging to the Instituto Andaluz de la Juventud were also invited to this debate session, which provided the opportunity to collect new recommendations on the same topics.

On the same day, José Juan Nunez Timermans, our co-president, introduced the Council before its installation and focused on the importance of cooperation between young people, authorities and civil society.

On 10 June, the coordinators of the Council's working groups presented the different thematic sections of the MYC Political Declaration, advocating, for example, the democratisation of digital knowledge, the psychological pressure of the climate crisis, the need to overcome sexist culture and the need to strengthen intercultural dialogue within and between the Mediterranean regions.

Read the political declaration



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