On October 10th, Marvin from "Les Têtes de l’art" and Hadhemi boukadida, member of the Mediterranean youth Council, were invited by the AMCF (Assembly Mediterranean Citizens Fundation) to the cultural festival "Mostra viva del mediterrani" on October 10th 2022 in the muvim museum to present our Mediterranean Youth Council.

The debate was organized between a representative of the youth in Spain and a representative of the Mediterranean country which was Hadhemi. First of all, we started our presentation by defining the Mediterranean Youth Council, on the countries that participate in the council, on the young people who are members and on the date of our first, second and third installation and why we created this council. Then, we presented the five working groups and the five themes which encompass some problematics of the Mediterranean. We also talked about our objective and our next events. Finally, the second debate was an exchange between the debaters and the public on the question of war in general and what is the point of view of young people from the Mediterranean on this subject. The event was successful, thank you to the AMCF!
